Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This is Lame Even for Me.

Seriously, I haven't updated since August? I missed a whole month? And yet, there were no messages in my Inbox from loyal followers harrassing me for the next update.

Okay, well AnnaBella's taken steps, but not full-on walking. Meanwhile, my sister's best friend's son, who is only one month older, is just stomping away all merry as can be, even though he took his steps later! The nerve! However, she does have two teeth, can do the best dinosaur growl (even though My Darling Husband worries that all our roaring is damaging her vocal cords [it may be, but we have fun]), and can dance and bounce IN RHYTHM to the music, which I can't even do. So, I still hold that she's a genius.

We may have our own place soon if all goes well financially. I don't want to write more as I'm superstitious and may have said too much already.

I cook every night now, yet have finally lost these six pounds that have stuck with me like a bad zit since I lost the general amount of baby weight. Now I have just ten more to reach my first weight goal.

I'm not sure if that metaphor actually worked.

My fall line up shows are: Pan Am, Up All Night, The Playboy Club, Real Housewives of BH, of course the usual sspects of Community, The Office, Always Sunny in Philadelphis, still waiting for 30 Rock to come back, and missed Mad Fashion. So of course Playboy Club gets canceled and I guess I shouldn't be surprised because all the critics kept comparing it unfavorable to Mad Men, but you know what? Some of us didn't have cable when MM came out, and yes we are aware of it, but have seen maybe one episode because our SO doesn't feel like renting that when there's True Blood boobies to be seen instead or awesome It Crowd nerdiness, so we actually just enjoyed PC for itself. And now I guess I'll have to write or actually complete a craft project with this free hour. Or keep practicing walking with Bella.

And I don't really like talking about RHOBH because I realize it's in bad taste to watch a show where someone killed themselves in real life, but honestly I wish I knew someone who did watch it so we could laugh at the ridiculous new one that keeps blabbing about how much she spends ($25,000 sunglasses? WTF?!) And then you find out she's friends with the couple that overextended themselves financially (there's always one at least in each franchise) and you go, OOOOOOhhhhh. birds of a feather.

This is honestly the most I've written in forever. I woke up this morning realizing I dreamt in sentences, as if notating the dream itself, and thought, This is a day for writing! then proceeded to clean and organize the fridge and our closet. Because I get scared. It seems all the sentences that sound great in dreams either fade within thirty seconds of waking up or dumb down to hollow clangs of forced intellectualism the more I rewind them. It's really an awful trait of mine, self-defeat. Quitting before the starting gate opens. It's almost a relief this blog isn't really followed; that means I can run-on my sentences as much as I like and commit as many grammar abortions as I wish and maybe I'll get some Internet fool saying, Kill yourself, or an equally witty statement, and I'll think, I don't believe this person is actually qualified to give advice.

And now it is aftr midnight and I have a full plate tomorrow, but this is the most time I've had alone without anything to distract me. I can't clean, because everyone else is sleeping. I've picked up all the toys, premade all the bottles, and picked out tomorrow's outfit. The tv will wake up Al and since I have Pandora on, I can't play any Facebook games or everything will slow down on my slow, old old computer. We'll see how long I can keep this going. I mean nightly, not in the sense of "Let's see how many hours I can manically type!"

As usual, I can't think of a proper end, so I will just say until next time and hope that maybe I can update in less than a freaking month and a half.

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