Thursday, December 16, 2010


We went to our perinatal physician yesterday. Afterwards, we planned on doing some shopping for the children (and me), then P.F. Changs, and then our birthing class.

What happened was that the doctor became concerned when he saw our baby hadn't even gained a full pound since we saw him before Thanksgiving, and had basically stopped growing. He suggested delivery, faxed our papers to our OB, and told us to call the OB within 20 minutes.

We weren't too concerned, because she's been a small baby all along, and figured we'd just call the doctor on our way to the mall. After all, we had a sonogram appointment with him the next day, so maybe everything was getting blown out of proportion.

Well, our doctor called US and told us to come over. We did, and he told us their concern. The baby should be gaining a half pound a week, which would have brought her up to a little over 6 pounds by now. As it is, she is barely over 5. They felt it was better to have her come now then wait the two weeks, as a lack of growth could indicate she's not getting the nutrients and oxygen she needs from the placenta, which could lead to a stillbirth. This is actually something the specialists have warned us, but still. We really didn't expect that this could actually happen.

So, my plan of all natural (except for epidural)birth is out the window, but I'd rather have this then risk something going wrong with the baby because I wanted to be stubborn and insist that my way was better.

It's pretty scary, but on the bright side, my sister and stepson's mom have both been through this, and the latter had really good advice and words of wisdom. It made me feel a little better. Plus, apparently it's going to be a full house in the waiting room, which is a wonderful sign of support.

I'm sad that she probably won't be next to me in the room. Since she's coming two weeks early, I'm sure they'll have her in an incubator the couple of days we'll be there.

I also haven't revised my birth plan, but I think the only thing I want to make sure of now is that her name is spelled right and she has all her fingers, toes and organs.

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