Tuesday, December 14, 2010

16 Days

Now that the due date's coming closer, I've been wondering when that nesting instinct is supposed to kick in. According to my friends, the last stretch the mom-to-be is obsessively cleaning, organizing, and decorating. Now, I clean, keep up with the laundry, and have gotten part of my bag for the hospital ready, but really, this is all I feel like doing:

  • Drink decaf pumpkin lattes OR hot chocolate with whipped cream (an indulgence I wholeheartedly embrace now)
  • Play with makeup
  • Read my sister's old Cosmos and trashy novels/chick lit/book recommendations from the library
  • Watch all my real housewives/jersey/vh1 Celebreality shows
  • Sleep
  • Eat cookies
According to what I read, nesting syndrome can kick in anywhere between the 5th to the 9th month of pregnancy, but I honestly can't recall anytime I was cleaning and organizing more than usual. Maybe when we did the move, but that was more out of necessity than a driving need. You have to be organized during a move, and only trashy people or ones that had to leave in a hurry don't clean when they move out.

I've also been trying to make money doing online work. While fun, it's not really bringing in the cash. However, I don't know if it's the place, or just me. Supposedly, you can make $100 a week. Not a lot, but it's taken me 5 days to make almost ten dollars, so something isn't working here. It's too bad, because I was hoping to make money for the holidays, but that's not going to happen.

I do like our new room. I didn't want to switch with my sister; she had just reorganized her room and now that she's in our smaller one, she can't play her Kinect. I have to say, though, that we do have a lot more space. I don't trip over wires because they are actually out of the way. We can easily fit in a Moses basket or bassinet. Plus, when I make the bed, I can move the pillows without risking stepping on them because the only place to put them is on the floor.

The best part? There is now a table and chair for my laptop, which means I don't have to sit on the bed and then lean over to read my screen. My back is very grateful for that.

Okay, physically...well, it takes longer for me to get out of bed. I haven't had any weird dreams about giving birth to a litter of kittens or puppies or piglets, but I have very vivid dreams which put me in an almost coma-like state. Until I wake up to adjust my belly. My pelvic area is sore because apparently that whole area is stretching and widening for the baby, which means even the tiniest stretch or plie hurts. Of course back, but it's actually not been as bad. Once again, it must be the new seating arrangements.

And the Braxton-Hicks. Thank you Jesus that I only get them once a day or so. Because these things HURT. Like, take your breath away, blood leaving face hurt. The best thing I found is to make yourself get up and walk until the pain is gone. Unless we're in bed, then I squeeze Al's hand until it feels better.

AnnaBella still moves around. We hope we can catch her yawning or doing something again when we go to the specialist tomorrow. Then there's a 3-hour maternity class we take at the hospital that night. Then I have a sonogram scheduled Thursday morning. You get a lot of doctor's visits this last month or so. We started a bit late because of the Medicaid nightmare red tape issue we went through when we moved, but all signs are healthy.

Okay, I'm signing off for now to do makeup. See? That's really what's been on my head. And I have two trashy shows in the background going on. I'm completely hopeless, I tell ya.

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