Friday, March 18, 2011

Feeding the Baby

One thing that happens a lot as a first time mom is everyone has advice for you, whether they're a seasoned pro or just watch too many TLC shows. Of course the main thing has been breast feeding, which I've mentioned having struggled with before.

Even after the jaundice passed, we still continued supplementing with formula. Despite what people think, having big boobs does not equal 24/7 milk factory, and she could burn through my supply like quicksilver. Having formula really helped for those times where Bella wanted more than I had to give.

Well, now she is solely a formula babe. Thanks to medicines I've been taking that keep me from breastfeeding, Bella has gone from nursing to almost being able to hold her own bottle from all the times she's been attached to it.

The plus side is that we can see what formulas work and what don't. Good Start-makes her spit up even more than usual, which is a lot. Similac and Enfamil can stop her up at times, but overall keep her satisfied. If only they weren't so pricey!. Target's brand is actually very reliable, and Wal-Mart's was the worst overall. I know someone will probably say that they are all the same, but I can only go by how my child reacts. Thank goodness for coupons, gift cards, and free packs given to new moms, or we'd easily be adding $120 minimum per month to our grocery.

I've also been able to see what bottles work best for her. So far, the top contender is Dr. Brown's. There are a lot of pieces, but she has the least amount of frustration and reflux with it.

Playtex's Ventaire is also great for reducing spit up. However, the bottom piece is screwed on, which can trap water when you're heating up the bottle. If you're not careful, you can end up dripping water all over yourself and the baby.

The First Year's Breastflow bottles worked great when I was nursing. The dual nipples are made to simulate your own, so the baby doesn't have formula slamming down her throat. She's seemed to have figured her way around the slow outflow, however, so I don't use these quite as much. I do like them for a quick feeding before her nap. Plus, the cap can also be attached to the bottom of the bottle to lengthen it.

My new best friends in all this are my sterilizer and my blender. We use Baby Pro, also from The First Years. It has three tiers, and takes about 13 minutes to sterilize. Depending on how much she's eaten, it can take me from an hour to an hour and a half to sterilize everything.

I like to stockpile, which is where the blender comes in. I sterilize that sucker first, then mix up a huge batch of formula. Mixed formula has to be frozen or used within 24 hours, so I put aside bottles for the day, and freeze the rest. If it wasn't for this, I don't know how many times I'd be frantically mixing while Anna Bella screams in hunger. Plus, with the Ventaire being in so man pieces, pre-mixing the formula works a lot better than trying to mix it in the bottle.

I do miss nursing her. It is a great feeling to know you are the food source for your baby, and it was time that only she and I could spend together. But, I can't change it for now, and I just appreciate any chance I can spend with her.

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