Monday, May 23, 2011

5 Month Milestones

She loves cereal to the point where she doesn't trust you to feed her; oh no, she grabs that spoon and attempts to shove it down her throat. She also makes "nom nom nom" noises.

Rolls over and over and over. Can also crawl backwards.

Alert. Focuses more, converses with you, her toy giraffe, shoes.

Knows how to turn her music toys on and ofdoes so often...even in the middle of the night!

Can hold bottle

Has already pulled dog's hair. Poor chico!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Second Thoughts

After I finished writing my post, I went and sat with my mom for a bit. Then I took Bella's playyard and bouncer outside by the pool. I set her up in that, made a bowl of cereal and grabbed my Kindle, and read some Wind in the Willows aloud while feeding her some lunch. I know she is too young to understand, but since I found out you can download some classic books for free, I have been acquiring title upon title. I loved the Adventures of Mr. Toad as a kid,, and always wanted to read the book. So, it's mainly more for me, but she does seem to like the voices.

After lunch, she napped in her playyard and I floated around the pool, tanned, and did some yoga outside. I felt a LOT better after all this. Later, sitting with my parents and brother, listening to Bob Marley, I thought about how hard Al works during the week, and rarely gets to have days where he can be lazy like I was today. In fact, he's been sick the past two weeks, so he's really had a rough time. I wish I could think of that more often and remember how lucky I am. Because I really am blessed.

I also received this fantastic photo album from my other mother-in-law, Irma. It's 100 pictures of Anna Bella, all taken from camera phone pics and/or Facebook pics, and they look great! There were some I hadn't even seen, and my favorite one of her. It's sitting by my computer right now. I've looked at it probably about ten times since receiving it.

Well, I have laundry to put away and Bella is demanding more airplane time, so I must go for now. I just wanted to write a "quick" note reiterating that I do know I am a very lucky and loved person, and also to put a thankful note at the end of the day.

The Past Three Days

My sister is doing well with her pregnancy. I watched my niece while Becky went for her ultrasound. Cami and I made brown sugar cookies with sprinkles for Mother's Day. I had Bella strapped in her bouncer, on the farther safe side of the kitchen (away from stoves, utensils, and anything that might fall) so she could be a part of things.

Saturday was the kids' confirmation. The Archbishop spoke. The ceremony was beautiful and so was it a sermon in the Catholic church? I don't know. Whatever you call it, it really spoke to me. After we had a wonderful luncheon at my in-laws. The food was delicious and the company was great. I saw a couple Hilda introduced me to, they have a son two months older than Bella and are expecting another one. I haven't seen them since the Super Bowl, even though we talk on Facebook a lot, so we enjoyed catching up.

I felt bad because with Al's illness, we haven't had a chance to buy my sister-in-law's quincenera present, or gifts for the confirmation. I think we are just taking them out for a completely fun, non-religious night, and taking Gabi out for her birthday separately.

I had two articles published and realized I had typos in THE HEADLINES I overlooked. I don't want to promote them because it's very embarrassing.

Mother's Day was nice. I received a gorgeous card from Al with Bella's hand outlined. We also did hand and feet outlines for the grandmothers' cards. My mother received a cute "spa set" with robe, head towel and shower mesh. We also got Hilda some fancy Lindt chocolates that were mini desserts like Tiramisu, Creme Brulee, etc. The Barcelos bought me two gorgeous shirts, a cute pair of flip flops and some bubble bath. I didn't really rest or relax, because I had laundry to do and Bella's been very fussy lately, so she requires a lot of attention. She likes constant stimulation, and mostly catnaps during the day, so there's not really a lot of rest. I did get a two hour nap in Friday thanks to my mom, so I guess I shouldn't gripe. It's more than most people get.

I'm really trying to be more optimistic and count my blessings, I don't know why it's so hard. Everyone informs my that I don't have post-partum depression since I actually function, so I guess I'm just being selfish. Anyway, I didn't mean to end this on a down note (see? there I go being a big old grouch) so I WILL say that I plan on taking Bella for a nice long walk later this afternoon, and then maybe some pool time. I think that will help, plus I can get some exercise in while spending time with her.

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Confession

Sometimes, when Bella's doing her wake up noises and I'm really exhausted from being up and down checking on her, and I see it's light outside, I let someone else grab her.

I mean, I think it's only happened twice, but still, I've done it.

I think, At least I'm not as bad as that mom on vh1's "You're Cut Off!" who never saw her kid and I don't think even knew her daughter's name, but that's not really the best line of defense now, is it?