Thursday, June 2, 2011

I Don't Know What Babies Are Scared Of

...but it sounds absolutely terrifying.

I wish there was some way we could see into the mind of babies. Bella has these night terrors that send her screaming, crawling in her sleep, and bawling her eyes out. The only thing that gets her back to sleep is putting her bobo in her mouth. The saddest thing I saw of her having these terrors was I walked in one time while she was screaming and trying to put her bobo in her mouth while sleeping. That is heartbreaking, I tell you.

Okay, now typically you read that what the medical community calls night terrors doesn't occur in children before the toddler stage. However, you can find just as many people saying their four five, or six month old has something terrible happening to them.

She's also started to bolt awake from her naps this way. It takes a few minutes to calm her down, and she usually doesn't want to leave my arms after that. It's very jolting.

Is it worth talking to her doctor? This seems to be fairly common, from the various boards I've read. On the selfish part, I wish I could get a full night's sleep, being woken up six-eight times in a night can play havoc on short term memory and energy throughout the day, but mostly I'd like her to have a good rest herself.

I think I hear her crying again so I will sign off for now.

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