Monday, March 5, 2012

New Beginnings

I can't believe that last time I was here we were still living at my parents', working through the deluge of paperwork that is home ownership, and Bella was just starting to walk.

Our belongings were deposited in a garage, a storage space, a warehouse crawlspace, and our bedroom. Now we live in a cute 1971 home with half the garage taken up by boxes, and slowly getting the place in shape.
What excites the the most (and is actually a bit sad), is that I never had a place of my own. Always roommates, always renting from someone, always having half my possessions while storing the other somewhere. and as cool as my landlords were (usually being friends or family), there were always someone else's rules. Some were stricter than others, like the friend/landlord who would bring up if you slept in a lot, or if your room was messy (not filthy-no food or drinks lying around rotting). Others were more lax than I was comfortable with. The point being, I never felt fully secure where I lived, because I was not in charge. No matter how cool you are with someone, if it's not your house, it's not your say.

Now, of course I don't live by myself here; I still have a husband, dog and daughter. HOWEVER, I now have a better feeling of security. I do have a say in who stays here and who doesn't. The kitchen and its' contents are all mine to cook with. If I don't want to tidy a room, i can just close the door. Interestingly enough, now that I don't have the majority of my possessions crammed in one room and half a medicine cabinet, I find I am a LOT neater.

None of this is meant as a hit against anyone I rented from. I did luck out in that I did have friends and family to rent from. I have great memories of my freestyle single gal days. And if I wanted to have a place with no roommates, I should have maintained my credit better and applied that little thing called a budget. But man, it is SOO SWEET not having to hear couples fighting in the next room, or arguing about the dishes (well, that part COULD be distributed more evenly, hahaha) or any of the other myriad roommate deals. and if I want a purple room, or create a mural in the hallway, well, let's go buy some paint.

So, we did not celebrate Thanksgiving here, but we did have AnnaBella's first birthday party here, as well as our first family Christmas, and a small NYE get-together. We finally have internet and cable, which means I can type this up in our guest room/office with no one else hovering over my shoulder or the library computer running on a timeout. When I am finished here , I will start working on the never-ending box mountain in the garage, make Bella's doctor appointments, and see where I can donate goods and money for victims of these recent destructive tornadoes. when Bella wakes up from her nap, we'll have a snack, storytime and possibly build then destroy a block tower thirty times. Later I'll skim the pool, start dinner, and hopefully get my yoga in.

Having constant internet AND our sturdy MAC finally in its rightful place at the desktop also means I can update here on a regular basis. More recipes, tips, rants about TV shows, unchecked babblings, and all other matter of frivolities to come.

The other funny thing is since we didn't have internet for almost three months, ALL the games I have on Facebook are backed up to an intimidatingly large number of requests. I think there's like Thanksgiving and Christmas requests still in here. it's actually startling how many games I used to participate in. And I don't want to stop them because that would just be admitting I wasted my time playing games, so I've probably spent over three house just getting through the REQUESTS, not even playing. How sad is that?

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