Wednesday, March 7, 2012

You are Not a Goat

So, I understand that this world is still very new to toddlers, and they don't know enough about what is a food and what isn't, and it is our job as a parent to monitor that.

but, sheesh, I can't vacuum a room so small I can lay my 5'3' self down and touch each end without having to stop and scoop partially eaten potpourri out of my kid's mouth.

And it's not like I threw it on the floor and said, 'lalalal, I think this yummy smelling fruit husk is safe here." Noo, she moved her stroller over to the table, climbed on it, and grabbed said husk.

My fault for not immediately closing the stroller upon returning from our walk. That thing is the biggest pain in the ass to close, and 98% of the time it pops back up when I let my guard down and THINK I've closed the effing thing securely, but I guess wrestling with it IS better in the end than explaining why my child's vomit has a wonderful ginger-peach scent.

On the bright side, she also went into my shower and got into the sugar scrub...which she used in the correct manner. So I guess keeping her in the bathroom while I bathe paid off in one way.

If she ate her peas with the same energy she puts into gnawing on potpourri, crayone, dust bunnies, leaves, and other flotsam, I'd have one damn healthy kid and a cleaner floor.

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