Friday, July 30, 2010


It is time to shop for underwear, maternity bras, and either more comfy shoes or Dr. Scholl's insoles. I am busting out all over.

Also craved carbs today. Mashed potatoes, grilled cheese least the bread was multi-grain.

Shower time and then an early bedtime. Made myself stay busy today, so it's a well-earned exhaustion.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Brain Zombie and Fruit Flies

Today one of my very sweet friends/coworkers remarked that it was a "good thing I was generally happy." And, usually, that is how I'd describe myself. It's on my little Facebook blurb, for the love of God. I can't remember the exact context, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with pregnancy. Because, yes, I'm becoming one of those pregnant ladies who love to talk about pregnancy and babies and blah blah, plus with the wedding and all that, I'm sure I'm becoming a great big bore.

Well, as my last post was showing, I am definitely not happy a lot. I guess "general" is still a good description, but the past few days have been either high crying stress to almost valium calm, and then just brain dead. I sleep about 11 hours a day/night now, when you factor in naps, and it's been harder to stay up and concentrate. Usually I end up laying in bed with the fan blasting and reading my summer fiction, chick-lit or celebrity biography; things i don't have to concentrate on. We're still trying to get a reception list together, and I have zillions of things to do, but I just declared these past few days off and, besides work, the occasional email, and maybe 5 minutes on the gift registry, I just can't seem to get it together.

Today we tried an experiment. My landlord on the other side has this AWFUL fruit fly problem, and we can't locate the source, but I thought we could at least try and get rid of the living ones. I found some solutions on this site , so now he has: a 1 liter bottle of old apple juice I found in the fridge with a trap made out of a paper towel (I couldn't find coffee filters and three glasses/jars full of dishwasher soap, water and vinegar, with plastic wrap tops poked with hoes, sitting on his window sill, kitchen counter, and in his pantry. I also poured bleach down his drains and left him a note explaining everything so he knows it's more than just crazy pregnant lady antics.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Time for Whine

It was a mixed day today. Work was slow, but not stressful. I got a nice 2 hour nap in.

Healthwise, I'm still cramping some but no spotting. Resting has helped a lot with that. Mostly just tired and hot. The a/c doesn't come much to our side of the house, and while the bedroom is mostly cool, the living room is sometimes hotter than the outside. We don't keep the tv or computer in the bedroom, so I just take breaks to cool down.

Wedding-wise, it's a bit stressful. My family thinks I'm not keeping them updated, I'm trying to keep up to date as much as possible, and there is a lot of miscommunication. I'm looking forward to it, but sometimes I wish we had stuck to my original plan of a quick justice of the peace deal. I also have a friend who made a request that I have to turn down, and it's a bit frustrating because it is hard enough planning a simple(ish) wedding without people wanting to add to the mix.

I figured I'd do all the registering online, but there's a lot of things I don't see listed that I know are in the stores. The fiance and I are trying to coordinate our schedules so we can go down to Target and Bed Bath and Beyond and knock it out.

I also have a baby registry to sign up for, but one thing at a time.

On a funny note, my spelling's been atrocious, and I didn't notice till 5 minutes before starting this that I interposed the T and S on "Wishlist" for the registry.

Slightly gross but good news, we fogged the house Friday before leaving for the doctor's. When we got back, there were only a couple of bug corpses, but they've been popping up the past few days. Baby roaches in the tub, large dead ones showing up beside or underneath things. It's nasty, but I am so grateful we did it. I don't think the place was sprayed for summer, and when I was on bed rest I saw a roach a day. I knew there had to be more, and as it turns out, I was right. My fiance is wonderful about disposing them (I have an acute fear, yet I love the South and New York, places infested with them. I don't know.). I'm not about to go in the attic yet, though.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Starting a Bit Late...

I probably should have first started this when we first figured out I was pregnant, but it's been a bit hectic. At the time I was still trying to get together B*ATL, working on getting debts down, working 50+ hours, and looking at grad schools to apply for.

Then I skipped a period, received positives on two pregnancy tests, and found myself planning doctors, a move and a wedding on top of it.

Well, fast forward a couple of months, one miscarriage scare and one finished event later, and the news won't stop coming.

When I first went to the DeKalb County Board of Health, I had my last period on May 27th. So, when I went to Atlanta Medical Center for heavy bleeding, I told the doctor I was around 8 weeks. One ultrasound (with a fully-limbed, very active, little bebe swimming all over) later, and I was informed I was closer to 15 weeks. Needless to say, the March 3 due date was a bit off.

Bed rest for a week, followed by drastically cut hours (to accommodate my apparently weak uterus), and a verboten on sex.

Well, we went back to the ob Friday, and got the new due date: December 29. My birthday's the 21st, and my brother's is March 3rd, which gave me the uncomfortable feeling that I have the same sex schedule as my parents. Even at 31, that weirds me out.

I had the event Saturday, so one project down. Now I just have left:

1: Yard Sale
2: Move
3: Oh, I don't know, a freaking WEDDING (well, my sister's the official planner, but I still have to oversee everything)
4: And to keep it sane so I don't freak out on my fiance, friends, co-workers, family and various strangers while dealing with incubating this human life.

So, I figure I can just keep everything here (when I'm not scribbling in one of three notebooks I always carry) and perhaps that can keep me focused, as well as wean my off my Facebook games dependancy.