Sunday, July 25, 2010

Starting a Bit Late...

I probably should have first started this when we first figured out I was pregnant, but it's been a bit hectic. At the time I was still trying to get together B*ATL, working on getting debts down, working 50+ hours, and looking at grad schools to apply for.

Then I skipped a period, received positives on two pregnancy tests, and found myself planning doctors, a move and a wedding on top of it.

Well, fast forward a couple of months, one miscarriage scare and one finished event later, and the news won't stop coming.

When I first went to the DeKalb County Board of Health, I had my last period on May 27th. So, when I went to Atlanta Medical Center for heavy bleeding, I told the doctor I was around 8 weeks. One ultrasound (with a fully-limbed, very active, little bebe swimming all over) later, and I was informed I was closer to 15 weeks. Needless to say, the March 3 due date was a bit off.

Bed rest for a week, followed by drastically cut hours (to accommodate my apparently weak uterus), and a verboten on sex.

Well, we went back to the ob Friday, and got the new due date: December 29. My birthday's the 21st, and my brother's is March 3rd, which gave me the uncomfortable feeling that I have the same sex schedule as my parents. Even at 31, that weirds me out.

I had the event Saturday, so one project down. Now I just have left:

1: Yard Sale
2: Move
3: Oh, I don't know, a freaking WEDDING (well, my sister's the official planner, but I still have to oversee everything)
4: And to keep it sane so I don't freak out on my fiance, friends, co-workers, family and various strangers while dealing with incubating this human life.

So, I figure I can just keep everything here (when I'm not scribbling in one of three notebooks I always carry) and perhaps that can keep me focused, as well as wean my off my Facebook games dependancy.

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