Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Swear I'm Not a Slacker

Even if I do spend more time on Sorority Life (not Farmville) than any healthy person should.

Well, our little girl is doing fine! After two visits to the perinatal specialist, we received 9 ultrasounds (3 face, 6 various-heart, spine, arm covering face)and the reassurance that all organs are fine, the cyst is regressing, and there is no reason to think we will have anything other than a healthy baby. They did offer to do an amniocentesis to double check for any chromosomal abnormalities, but the risk of that was bigger than the risk of Downs or Trisomy 18, and what difference would it make? So I can be a bigger, stressful, neurotic wreck than I already am? F**k that noise. We declined, and from what I feel she is not only healthy, but possibly going to be an athlete.

I've had 2 baby showers thrown for me in the past week. One by two of my girlfriends from college, and one by my friends from work. We have sooo many baby things and I just feel really lucky and blessed. I have a wonderful social group here and even though I have so many wonderful friends in Florida, who I've known for ten years or more, I am really going to miss my friends here.

Lastly, we have been simultaneously trying to pack and get ready for this weekend's yard sale. Also, dog sitting Max again for a couple of days. Hence, the house is crowded and messy. Hopefully, that'll change when we get some of these items moved, but since we are also selling furniture, it'll probably be even crazier.

I finally did a writing assignment tonight. That has to be the longest I've gone since starting the freelancing. And with no other income, that is unacceptable. Trying to get back on track is hard, but important.

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