Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Life

Since I last wrote, we have moved to Florida and gotten married! It's been a crazy month. Florida is completely different from what we're used to. I thought I'd slide back in, because I grew up and lived here for 21 years, but I don't think it's registered yet. It probably won't until we get our doctors set up, or Al starts working, or we get our own place. Right now it seems like a long vacation. I have changed my address, and we sent off our marriage certificate today, so soon I can start with the name change, etc etc.

The wedding was fabulous. All the things I was worried about never happened; in fact it was all better than I thought it would be. We had a lot of last minute drop-outs, but most people did come. There was a lot of love in the room. A lot of our Atlanta friends made it and looked fantastic. Plus, our families get along great! What more can you ask for? Also, with everyone in the same hotel, people could visit and relax without a lot of travel.

We used Blue Sky in Miami for most of the food, and Tom Caminiti dj'ed. He and my dad have known each other for years, and Tom was very patient and cool dealing with our song choice jitters.

My sister made our cakes. People are still going on about them; three days later. We have a lot left over due to the last minute drop outs, but oh my gosh, she actually makes tasty fondant. I'll have to include a picture later. The groom had a blue cheesecake, going up against the shores of the wedding cake. Cinnamon graham crumbs scattered between the layers as a sand motif, and white chocolate/peppermint seashells were inlaid throughout. Our layer for the one year was three small tiers of devil's food, marble, and red velvet. The main cake was vanilla.

And....my parents reserved a suite for us, for the wedding night. Thanks Mom and Dad! The view was of the roof, but who's paying attention to that? It was our first private, spacious place in forever and perfect for the night.

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