Tuesday, February 8, 2011

(A Lack of) Energy

It started out so promising. I dropped my pregnancy weight, and was well on my way to losing more.

Fast forward a month. I've become a slug, watching TV and keeping my fake farm in better shape than myself. I'm very lazy in what I eat, I don't drink enough water, and while I look at the exercise videos and have every intention of DOING them, just the thought makes me want to go back to bed.

Breastfeeding has gotten easier with her, thankfully. I don't have to use the shields, she latches on now like a pro, and we do about an hour more or less including breaks for burping and relaxing.

I wish I could say I am just sooo busy at home, but honestly I only really have our bedroom and the bathroom (once a week) to take care of. I'll help with dishes and pick up, but it's not like I have a whole house to take care of. Or a job. So why do I find it so hard to get up and do anything?

I just get down a lot, and it's hard for me to be motivated when I'm like that. I know the best thing to do is just get up and force myself, but it's hard to do that everyday. I can barely do once a week; even three times right now would be a miracle.

I don't like feeling this way. Being lazy makes me cranky and I tend to want to stay in my hole even more, just mainlining Real Housewives/Basketball Wives/You're Cut Off! marathons, reading other people's cleverness, and hiding with the baby. And I'm sure her recent fussiness has something to do with that more than anything else.

I hope I can get out of this funk and do it soon.

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