Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Bit of a Change

I was looking forward to doing nothing today. Yesterday wasn't too tough; mind you. I filled in as manager at my job, which was easy because A) the people working are professional and can manage themselves, and B) it was very quiet. There were two things-someone quit on my shift, and it didn't occur to me that the bartender might have needed some extra help with the tennis people who showed up till now. All in all, though, pretty stress-free day.

I went home, put in The Petrified Forest, and was almost immediately bored. I love old movies and Bette Davis, but seriously, this movie, EVEN with Humphrey Bogart as this head of some gang that carjacks and I don't know because I could not pay attention, oh my gosh, this movie is so boring. Also, I had it mixed up with Beyond the Forest when I ordered it, so I probably wasn't going to be happy any way.

Then Al came home, and he had taken a spill on his scooter and wasn't feeling too hot, so I went and got it and cleaned his shoulder and we just rested.

Today, all we planned on doing was working on our yard sale items, our music list, and our want list for where to live in Florida. We got about partway through when our buddy Danilo called and asked if we wanted to be in a music video. Of course! I am a great big ham and okay, a bit of an attention ho, so I am not going to stay at home like I've been doing and let Al go have all the fun.

So, I put on a pair of black slacks that had an elastic waist and my favorite grey shirt that hides the bump while showcasing the cleavage, slapped on a headband and some lipstick, mascara and eyeshadow and off we were to Lenny's.

My last time on a music video was when I was 20 or 21, and was one of several background bathing suit girls for Los Rabanes. We shot at the Coral Gables Venetian Pool, I received $50 for the day, and we ate Pollo Tropical. My friend Mary Ellen brought me, and while she achieved fame through a different genre of film, I had never pursued it. Mostly because I'm lazy. ANYWAY...

So we are in a bar I used to go to fairly often when I still smoked packs of cigarettes, and could drink until I couldn't speak English anymore. During the day, it's actually quite clean and while not bright, per se, at least I could see what was going on.

The crowd was maybe ten people and I hadn't heard of the band, Before the Solstice, but they were pretty cool people. The director was putting everyone through their paces. I was just sitting on the end of the bar. It went something like: guy goes crazy, beats up people, pushes people, licks girl on face, slams guy's head on bar, humps other lady, gets confronted by bouncer and knocked out.

Well, the actress who was getting her face licked had to leave by a certain time, and that time was in 30 minutes, so they had to find a replacement. So who do you think volunteered to get more camera time? If you thought responsible mom-to-be almost wife genes stayed in control, you skimmed over an important part of the post. Of course I volunteered. And yes, I did check with Al, and the actor asked him if it was cool. Al was fine with it, probably because he knew he'd have material to tease me with later.

So we did some run throughs with no licking, and shot video but kept stopping before he got to me, and I'm thinking, Maybe there really isn't a face licking. Maybe it's all mimed. Ha! This is great. I sat there with my soda-disguised-as-cocktail (no one had real alcohol but Al, Danilo, and two girls in the floor scenes, and they had to spend ten minutes peeling off labels. ha! ha!).

So then we shoot, and it wasn't a lick. It was a tongue bath on the entire left side of my face. Three times. My expression wasn't acting; that was NASTY. And of course, I'm the only idiot who'd be like, "Dur dur durrr, how gross can it be? Dogs lick my face all the time and I hate it, but I deal." Oh no, child. It is grooooooooossssssss. And the last time he got my hair. I don't know who was worse off there, except I did wash my hair earlier today, so probably me again.

However, all in all, it was fun, and I can't wait till I see the video, and I will probably post it on Facebook and then I'm sure some people will react to my scene by acting all "How could you cheapen yourself?" like I let someone aim a camera up my twat, but I had a good time and it gave me something to write besides, "I am tired."

We ate at Tin Lizzy's Cantina after, which was good, but not really Mexican or even Spanish, more of a fusion. They had greek tacos, which the guys said were good, but I stuck with chicken tortilla soup and black beans and rice. Then we shared the traditional spanish dessert of fried cheesecaked with huge scoops of ice cream, whipped cream topping and chocolate syrup. I had to drink a ton of water through all this because it was way more sugar and caffeine then I've let myself have in two months. Definitely a special occasion treat.

There was a lot more, but I'll write it tomorrow. It's my day off, and I think the hardest thing I have planned is dropping off my DVD and dropping a load of laundry.

Oh, and on a footnote--we didn't get paid, but we did get free cds of the band, and they are not bad. Which is always a plus. I'll probably have them in my mix while I run around doing nathan tomorrow.

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