Sunday, August 29, 2010

Food and Music

Well, the nausea that I missed out on in the first trimester has hit me. I'm nauseated if I don't eat, I'm nauseated for hours after I eat. I can handle bland foods like crackers and toast, and certain soups, and if I eat slooooowwwwwlllllyyyy I can keep the nausea from coming for a few hours. The hard part is to try and tell Al I have to have my food made separate. He likes spices, and I just don't think I can eat them.

On fun news, we went to see Guyliner at 529 Friday night. It was loud fun as always, and one of the singers is also 5 months pregnant. During one song, she and Colleen were dancing, and Colleen pulled me up front where the other mama and I did some weird belly rubbing dance in front of everyone. Great time, and I think that should be a new fertility dance.

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